Rose Blessing Ceremony

with Stephanie Citlalli Moreno
Saturday, December 7th
6:30- 8:30pm
Maha Rose Brooklyn

The Spirit of the Rose embodies love, protection, self-love, compassion, courage, and the essence of Divine Mother.

Rose medicine gently and potently supports our heart and spirit.

The Blessing of the Rose will assist in softening our hearts and honoring our paths.

Sending vibrations of love to Madre Tierra and the world.
If you are feeling called to the Rose, this blessing is for you.

Participants will each receive a rose blessing and journey with the drum.
We will share and process in community, offer intentions and prayers.

This Rose Blessing is rooted in Curanderismo practices. Offered with integrity, Love, an lots of respect to the wisdom keepers.

rose medicine blessing

Saturday, December 7th

Maha Rose
200 Columbia street
Brooklyn, NY 11231

cancellation policy: account credit or refunds are available if requested 72 hours prior to the event, less a 10% service fee.

Stephanie Citlalli

Stephanie Citlalli practices as a psychospirtual therapist, energy worker, and creative. Her offerings include 1:1 therapeutic, spiritual, and energetic support, healing arts, meditations and creative journeys. She is an educator of ethics, and offers consult to folks who are on the path to becoming mental health professionals with a spiritual foundation. Remaining dedicated to her self journey and personal healing, she is honored to support and guide you on yours. She continues her studies in Curanderismo, indigenous wisdoms, mental health and creative expressions. Stephanie Citlalli is of Mayan, Mexica lineages and has received blessings from her Maestra, Maestra Rita to work with the sacred Rose.